Table of Contents
ebTax Overview
ebTax (Employee Benefits Tax) is a solution used by thousands of fund administrators and employers to process tax directive applications at SARS, issue PAYE tax certificates for lump-sum payments and annuity transactions, process Recognition of Transfers (ROTs) between funds as well as at SARS, issue IT3 tax certificates to its members and ensures the SARS submission process is a breeze.
ebTax is perfectly suited for:
- Employers who must process miscellaneous lump sum payments relating to retirement or retrenchment of an employee.
- Employers who must process payments relating to gains on share schemes.
- Fund administrators who must process lump sum payments relating to the retirement, resignation, or death of its member.
- Fund administrators who must process the transfer of their members’ benefit to another fund/insurer or the purchase of an additional annuity from an insurer.
- Fund administrators and employers who need to report on the tax deducted or withheld for these tax directives monthly to SARS.
- Fund administrators and employers who need to issue a tax certificate to their employees or members for the tax deducted (IRP5) or not deducted (IT3a) upon the successful application of a tax directive application.
- Third parties such as banks, medical schemes, fund administrators, etc. who must report on all income, deductions and savings relating to financial products and the tax deducted or withheld for each.
- Fund administrators and employers who need to submit a reconciliation to SARS bi-annually and annually for all tax certificates issued to its members.
Taxpayers/members cannot register to view their tax affairs. Taxpayers/members should obtain the outcome/status of their tax directive applications, recognition of transfers and certificates directly from the fund administrator or employer with whom they have a policy/contract. |
Getting Started
To gain access to ebTax a company must be onboarded, and its users registered. This is done to ensure all its funds, insurance products and employers are set up correctly. Follow these easy steps to get the ball rolling.